
11 Amazing Healthy-Fat Foods You Should Be Eating

Healthy-fat foods are foods that contain fat and are good for our health. Ever since fat was diminished, people began eating more processed foods, sugar, and refined carbs instead. Consequently, the whole world has become sicker and fatter.

But, times are changing. Research now found that fat, including saturated fat, is not bad for our health 1 2 . All types of healthy foods that contain fat have now brought back to the “superfood” scene.

Healthy-Fat Foods healthy-fat foods

Your Health Tubers present you 10 high-fat foods that are actually amazingly nutritious and healthy.

  1. Avocadoavocado

Tasty avocado is great for your heart and can help with symptoms of osteoarthritis, thanks to the “good” fats. Add it to your sandwich, or simply serve it up with guacamole.

An extra benefit?

When you consume it with some other foods, it aids the body better absorb their nutrients. ½ a medium avocado is 1 serving (about 116-159 calories).

  1. Fish

salmonFatty fish like herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, albacore tuna and lake trout are incredible sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These are known as “good” fats that keep our heart healthy. Moreover, these fats can keep the brain sharp, especially when we get older. According to the American Heart Association, we should eat 2 servings of fatty fish weekly 3 . Try it grilled, poached, or baked.


  1. Seeds

Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds pack a big punch. Seeds contain healthy fats that can lower high cholesterol levels. Overall, fats that come from plants are healthier than fats from animal products. Check food labels to see what type, and how much fat, you are getting. “Bad” fats are in certain foods like some packaged foods, full-fat dairy products, and fatty cuts of meat. Avoid trans fats and limit saturated fats – just stick to the healthy-fat foods.

  1. Olive Oil
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Every time you’re dressing your salad or cooking, try olive oil. It is high in healthy fat. But, remember: It is always smart to look out how much fat — even healthy fat — you eat. Therefore, cook with less olive oil than your recipe actually calls for. You can use an olive oil spray. When you bake something, use applesauce for 1/2 the oil to cut back on extra fat and shave some calories. Plus, you can add olives in your diet because they also contain “good” fats and are on the list of healthy-fat foods.

  1. Nutsnuts almonds

From pecans to hazelnuts, all nuts are great for our heart! But remember – don’t overdo them. Simply because nuts are healthy does not mean you should eat as much as you want. Walnuts are one of the best choices that can deliver you heart-healthy fats. Nut butter is also beneficial.

A serving is about 14 walnut halves, 36 peanuts, 16 pecan halves, and 24 almonds, or 1 ounce. Read more about nuts and what they can do for your health:

  1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in inexpensive protein. Moreover, a large egg contains less than 5 grams of fat, most of “good” fats. Plus, some eggs are also rich in omega-3s and one of the most significant healthy-fat foods. You can read this information on the carton.


Facts: Types of Fat

Fat comes in different forms, like:

Unsaturated: Generally considered heart healthy. It is liquid at room temperature. Found in plants like seeds, nuts, seeds, seafood, and vegetable oils.
Saturated:  Found in animal foods, like butter and milk, as well as palm and coconut oil. It is solid at room temperature. Often considered unhealthy for the heart, but research is vague.

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Trans: Found in baked goods, processed snack foods, and fried foods. In 2015, these heart-healthy wreckers were banned from the food supply. They will be probably gone by 2018. These are liquid fats made solid through a method known as hydrogenation.


  1. Beanssoy

Beans contain omega-3 fatty acids that can help with mood. Whether they’re navy, soybeans, Great Northern, or kidney, adding beans to your healthy diet can be great for you physically and mentally.

  1. Dark chocolate

A daily chunk of dark chocolate is a great source of healthy fats and protects the heart. According to research from Louisiana State University, dark chocolate contains good gut microbes like lactic acid bacteria feast and Bifidobacterium on it that produces some powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, which protect our cardiovascular health 4 . Plus, the sweet can also keep you slim. A study published in Archives of Internal Medicine showed that people who eat chocolate about 5 times per week have a lower BMI and are up to 6 pounds lighter than people who don’t consume any 5 .

  1. Vegetablesdark-leaf vegetables

Kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and other dark green vegetables offer omega 3s. However, plants just offer a fraction of these fatty acids that fish do. Because our bodies cannot produce omega-3s, we have to get them from food as much as we can. Aim for about 2 to 3 cups of vegetables every day. Read more about the benefits of eating more vegetables:

  1. Ground Flaxseed

Flaxseed contains fiber and can help reduce inflammation. As part of a well-balanced diet, healthy fats can help make your skin look fantastic – younger and plumper. Get this fat by sprinkling 1 tsp. of ground flaxseed on your cereal or your salad, or just use it when you’re cooking or baking.

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  1. Omega-3-Forthified Foods

Many foods have added omega-3 fatty acids in order to make them healthier. For example, you can find enriched bread, breakfast bars, eggs, and milk. Just check the product label to make sure. Moreover, you can also get more health benefits by getting these healthy fats through fortified products than from supplements.




The low-fat craze was a disaster. People stopped consuming many of their favorite foods thinking that they are bad for them and ended up full of refined carbs, sick, and overweight. Likely, for the 1st time in 35 years, in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020), the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health removed the limit on complete fat consumption in the diet (even though they still recommend consuming less than 10 percent of daily calories from saturated fat) 6 7 .

The evidence clearly shows that consuming healthy-fat foods like fish, seeds, nuts, beans, dark chocolate, eggs, avocado, and vegetable oils, has protective effects, mostly for cardiovascular disease. They also aid you to absorb lots of nutrients, fill you up so you eat less, and taste great, too.



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