
9 Awesome Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes health benefits are so remarkable! They are one of the world’s healthiest foods!

These red fruits have powerful antioxidant benefits and provide a great amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, beta-carotene, calcium, copper, mineral manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and thiamin.1  Only one tomato serving per day has incredibly beneficial effects on our health!

 Tomatoes are not vegetables; they are actually citrus fruit. 

You can eat them raw, cooked, or in salads and sandwiches. This great food is a significant part of the American diet. In the mid-1800’s they became a basic food in the USA.

People usually think that they come from Italy, associating them with Italian cuisine, but that is not true – they are originally native to South America (the western side).2  

The Best Tomatoes Health Benefits 

Here are some of the best tomatoes health benefits! 

  1. Good for the skin 

Tomato contains lycopene, a substance used in many luxurious facial cleansers. It can treat numerous skin conditions, as ache and pores, prevent aging of the skin, remove dead skin cells, and act as a sunscreen.3 

You can use them to prepare various beauty masks and treat your skin condition.  

  1. Control heart rate 

Because of the potassium and vitamin B, this red rounded food is excellent in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Include this food in your regular diet to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and other health related conditions. 

  1. Maintain Healthy Teeth and Strong Bones 
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As we mentioned before, tomatoes are rich in vitamin K and calcium. For that reason, they are really beneficial for the health of the teeth. They can also improve bone formation and bone strength in the body.  

  1. Prevent Eye Disorders 

The Vitamin A in tomato is excellent for improving eye vision. In order to prevent the development of blindness, you should consume more tomatoes as one of the best foods for preventing eye diseases.

  1. Great for Your Kidneys 

Many experts suggest consuming raw tomato or homemade tomato juice to reduce the risk of kidney stones and other kidney disorders. You need to remove the tomato seeds before you consume it in case you treat kidney stones.  

  1. Prevent certain types of cancer 

The antioxidant properties along with the high levels of lycopene in tomatoes can also prevent many unwanted reactions in the breast, colon, prostate, and lungs that can tend to be cancerous.4 5 6 

We strongly recommend you to cook tomato soup regularly, because cooked tomatoes produce even more lycopene.  

  1. Repair smoking damages in your body

Some of the most astonishing health benefits are that they can reduce the quantity of damage that cigarettes did in your body.

They contain chlorogenic and coumaric acid that can protect your body from carcinogens produced from smoking cigarettes.

  1. Hair Loss Solution

They can be a great remedy for hair loss. You can use tomato paste on your scalp and hair regularly, on a weekly basis, in order to stop hair fall. Many expensive hair products contain tomato ingredients in their hair care products.

  1. Lose Belly Fat
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This delicious food can help you lose belly fat due their less fat content. One medium tomato contains 7 :

  • Around 21 calories
  • 0 grams fat
  • 4 grams carbohydrates
  • 1 gram dietary fiber
  • 1 gram protein

Further, it provides 41 % of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C and 19 % of Vitamin A.




Grow Your Own Organic Tomatoes!

We, Your Health Tubers, grow our own tomatoes. Words cannot describe the smell and taste of fresh ripe tomato from our garden. Organic ones have bright red color and very rich taste. You can see some of that beauty on the image that we used for this article. We took it on a beautiful summer morning.

Tomatoes grown by organic methods contain more vitamins and minerals than these grown by commercial standards.

If you don’t have the opportunity to grow your own tomatoes try to buy fresh and uniformly sized from organic grocery stores, in order to feel the best health benefits. Avoid those with discolored spots and wrinkled surface.

As one of the world’s healthiest foods, this fruit should be included regularly in your diet.


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