
This Is What Happens When You Consume Arugula

Arugula health benefits are so impressive! Arugula, also known as rucola and rocket, is probably lesser recognized cruciferous veggie, which offers many of the same health benefits as the better-known veggies of the same family – Brussels sprouts, kale, and broccoli. 1 

Along with some other leafy greens, rucola contains really high nitrate levels (up to 250 milligrams/100 grams), which have been shown to reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise, enhance athletic performance, and lower blood pressure. 2 

This article offers a nutritional breakdown of this veggie and an in-depth look at arugula health benefits, how to incorporate more rucola into your well-balanced diet, and any potential health risks allied with eating arugula.

Arugula Health Benefits

Arugula Health Benefits

The antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals packed into each leaf of arugula are definitely a benefit to those healthy consumers who integrate it into their diet. Here are the possible arugula health benefits:

  1. Rich in antioxidants

Arugula health benefits are quite remarkable due to its great content of powerful antioxidants. This veggie could greatly increase an individual’s ORAC value (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity) that is a quantity of antioxidant strength 3 . The function of antioxidants to keep a healthy balance of enzyme reactions in the cells, while actively searching and abolishing the disease-causing free radicals, which may attack the system.

Eating rucola can help your immune system, because antioxidants work to boost your resistances against common illnesses like the cold and flu, as well as some more complex afflictions, like premature aging, heart disease, and cancer.4 

  1. Promote Bone Health

One of the most potent antioxidants – Vitamin A, along with its major presence in rucola also promises “rocket” consumers improved condition of their teeth, eyes, and bones. The flavonoid compounds in leafy vegetables, like arugula, have been proven to protect against lung, skin, and numerous oral types of cancer. 5 

  1. Support Brain Health
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Another benefit of arugula is the presence of vitamin K, which is a heavy-hitting antioxidant that also functions like an anti-inflammatory lift to the body. This vitamin also shoots on osteotropic activity in cells, which means that it assists bones to form and strengthen.

The slow degradation of neural pathways, as that set up in conditions as Alzheimer’s disease, could be slowed down by a boost in Vitamin K in an individual’s diet. Therefore, as such a great source of Vitamin K, the f arugula consumption has been cited as a slight, yet worthwhile, defensive method of diseases of that kind. 6 

Rucola’s combinative effect of low oxalate levels and the presence of various minerals in the plant itself make it a powerful support system for strong and healthy bones.

People who suffer from osteoporosis could see improvements, though rucola can be used as a defensive step as well, guaranteeing bone strength and health before the bone degeneration get serious.

  1. Boost Immune System

Vitamin C is found in large amounts in arugula and assists to maintain optimal health in the body by providing an extra push to the immune system. This well-known vitamin is one of the best defenses for the body to search for hazardous, inflammatory free radicals and get rid of them before they cause real damage to your body. 7 

Arugula is full of vitamins and minerals that in some way boost the defenses of the immune system of your body. Moreover, this plant has numerous other ways to improve the functionality, durability, and strength of your immune system.

  1. Prevent Cancer

Arugula is loaded with significant phytochemicals (indoles, sulforaphane, and thiocyanates). Research has found these phytochemicals to be successful in contradicting cancer-causing tendencies in the processes of the body, helping to fight ovarian, colon, cervical, breast, and prostate cancer. 8  9 

  1. Pre-Natal Health

For pregnant women, arugula is a great choice to include in their diet. A classification that includes folic acid – known as folates – have been found to reduce occurrences in some mental problems in babies. As many leafy veggies, rucola is also an amazing source of folates.

  1. Metabolic Functions
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The presence of B-Complex vitamins is another great benefit of arugula, which promotes good cell metabolism and optimal health. B Vitamins take part and help in all cell activities, including the production of red blood cells, fat synthesis, energy production, and many other essential processes for metabolic and cell health. Arugula has a large amount of B Vitamins in its organic structure.

  1. Improve Eyesight

Arugula is a great source of carotenoids that are naturally occurring pigments which have long been popular for improving an individual’s ability to see well. Carotenoids slow down the macular degeneration process. Arugula eaters could be able to slow down this common symptom of old age.

  1. Mineral Absorption

Arugula has a really low level of oxalates compared to some other popular leafy veggies, such as spinach and kale. Oxalates inhibit the mineral absorption by the body’s systems that is counterproductive to mineral consumption in the same bite. Therefore, the minerals, like iron and copper that you can get from this amazing vegetable, are more easily absorbed by your body for efficient usage.

Consuming something green doesn’t automatically mean that you are consuming something healthy. Specific attention needs to be paid to what health benefits certain vegetables and plants are actually providing.

  1. Support Weight Loss

Arugula is a low-calorie but very nutrient-rich food, which is ideal! This veggie will inevitably have a great effect on your weight loss process.

With so many nutritional benefits, it’s an easy way maintain your system balanced and watch your health, without making any drastic change to your healthy diet.

Arugula Nutrition Facts

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, around 40 grams (2cups) of arugula contains 10 :

  • 10 calories
  • 3 grams of fat
  • 1 gram protein,
  • 5 grams of carbohydrate (including 0.8 grams of sugar and 0.6 grams of fiber)
  • 20% Vitamin A
  • 50% Vitamin K
  • 8 % Vitamin C
  • 8% calcium
  • 8% folate of the recommended daily values
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Arugula is in the top 20 foods according to ANDI score (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), which measures phytonutrient, vitamin, and mineral content in relation to calories.

In order to earn a high rank, a food must offer a high amount of nutrients for a very small amount of calories.

Serving Tips

Cheese salad:

Combine dry and fresh arugula and grated parmesan cheese in a bowl. Apply sliced onion, salt, pepper, and lemon juice.

Green salad: 

Combine fresh arugula, parsley, radicchio, and lettuce in a bowl. Add salt, pepper, lime juice, and olive oil for extra flavor.

You can also add other veggies, nuts, and fruits to make your own delicious salad.

Pasta with rucola:

Combine arugula and lime juice in a bowl. Add salt and pepper. Set aside. Cook and drain the pasta. Then, add the arugula mix, grated parmesan cheese, and olive oil.


Arugula Selection

You can find fresh arugula in the groceries throughout the year. Always look for the younger and bright green leaves, avoid those with too many wilted or yellow leaves. The best thing is to buy organic.




Arugula is a low-calorie, healthy, and really nutritious cruciferous vegetable. Also called garden rocket or salad rocket, it has a specific and delicious flavor to its green leaves and goes very well in many fresh salads.  Arugula health benefits are so remarkable. It can boost your immune system, support your bone health, and prevent many types of cancer. Plus, it is one of the best foods for weight loss. Always try to buy organic arugula.

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