
8 Amazing Health Benefits of Cantaloupe + Recipe

Cantaloupe nutrition is an amazing source of essential vitamins and minerals. Cantaloupe and some other summer melons serve as the perfect take-along snack for summer barbecues and picnics.

Their high content of water protects against dehydration and fight the heat while the heat while their delicious taste provides a gluten-free, low maintenance dessert for children and adults alike. The slightly sweet and juicy flavor of cantaloupe makes it an ideal fruit for even the fastidious palates.

Cantaloupes are also commonly known as mush melons, muskmelons, Persian melons, and rock melons. This fruit is a member of the botanical family called Cucurbitaceae, along with watermelons and honeydew. 

cantaloupe nutrition

Cantaloupe Nutrition Facts 

While other fruits as berries might have higher levels of antioxidants, cantaloupes are commonly consumed in higher volumes that can offset their low antioxidant level. This means that cantaloupes can actually significantly increase beneficial levels of phytonutrients to the person’s diet.

Cantaloupe nutrition is an incredible source of vitamin C and vitamin A, in the form of carotenoids. Moreover, cantaloupe is one of the richest fruit sources of vitamin A, while also providing B vitamins, including niacin, thiamine, folate, as well as potassium, magnesium, fiber, and vitamin K. Here are cantaloupe nutrition facts:

1 cup serving of cantaloupe contains about 1 :

  • 53 calories
  • 0 grams’ fat
  • 1-gram protein
  • 4 grams’ fiber
  • 12 grams’ sugar
  • 13 grams’ carbohydrates
  • 269 mg Vitamin A (120%)
  • 61 mg Vitamin C (109%)
  • 428 mg Potassium (13%)
  • 35 mg Folate (10%)
  • 2 mg Niacin (6%)
  • 4 mg Vitamin K (6%)
  • 07 mg Thiamine (6%)
  • 18 mg Magnesium (4%)

Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe nutrition is an amazing source of important nutrients. Plus, cantaloupe calories are really low which makes it an ideal fruit for people who want to lose weight. Here are some of the greatest cantaloupe benefits:

  1. Asthma

The risk for developing asthma are usually lower in people who eat high amounts of some essential nutrients. Beta-carotene is one of these important nutrients, found in orange and yellow fruits like carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and leafy greens like kale and spinach. Vitamin C is another significant nutrient that can protect against asthma and is found in some tropical and citrus fruits, and in abundance in cantaloupe 2 .

  1. Age-related Macular Degeneration
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Cantaloupe contains a potent antioxidant known as zeaxanthin, which filters out dangerous blue light rays and it plays a defensive role in eye health and probably wards off damage from macular degeneration 3 .

A high intake of fruits (3-5 servings per day) has also been proven to reduce the risk of and progression of certain age-related macular degeneration.

  1. Hydration

With its high electrolyte and water content, cantaloupes are an ideal snack to have on hand during the summer months in order to prevent dehydration.

  1. Blood Pressure

The potassium, fiber, choline, and vitamin C content in cantaloupes all support heart health. Eating foods high in potassium can help to reduce high blood pressure. Getting adequate amounts of potassium is significant as reducing sodium intake for the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension). Foods high in potassium include pineapple, cantaloupe, bananas, spinach, oranges, and tomatoes.

High potassium intakes are also linked with a protection against loss of muscle mass, reduced risk of stroke, reduction in the formation of kidney stones, and preservation of bone mineral density 4 .

  1. Skin and Hair

Consuming fruits like cantaloupe are great for your hair because they have vitamin A, a powerful nutrient needed for sebum production that keeps our hair moisturized and healthy. This vitamin is also important for the growth of all bodily tissues, including hair and skin.

Adequate daily intake of vitamin C is required for the maintenance and building of collagen, which provides structure to hair and skin. Just a cup of diced cantaloupe provides about 98% of daily needs for vitamin C.

Cantaloupes also contribute to overall hydration, which is crucial for having healthy looking hair and skin. 

  1. Cancer
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According to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health’s Department of Nutrition, beta-carotene rich diets from plant foods as cantaloupe play a protective role against prostate cancer 5 .  Beta-carotene has also been proven to have an inverse association with the increase of colon cancer in the Japanese population 6 .

  1. Digestion

Due to their high content of fiber and moisture, cantaloupes helps to promote regularity, prevent constipation and keep a healthy digestive tract.  Watermelon is another fantastic fruit great for digestion and regularity. Read more about the best health benefits of watermelon:

  1. Inflammation

Choline is a truly significant and versatile nutrient in cantaloupes, which helps our bodies in muscle movement, memory and learning, and sleep. Choline also aids to keep the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, supports in the fat absorption, and decreases chronic inflammation.

On the next page you can find a simple and refreshing cantaloupe recipe.

Simple Cantaloupe Smoothie Recipe 

Here is a very simple and refreshing cantaloupe recipe! This is a sweet and healthy way to start your day with a tasty, fresh flavor.

Preparation time: 10 min      Ready in 10 min


  • 1/2 cup sliced cantaloupe
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup vanilla yogurt
  • 4 ice cubes (crushed)


Simply blend cantaloupe, fresh orange juice, yogurt, and ice cubes in a blender until smooth, around 30 seconds. You are done and ready to drink! Enjoy!

cantaloupe nutrition recipe

Selection and Storage

Cantaloupe is best to grow during the summer months. In the grocery stores, try to buy organically produced melons since they have greater cantaloupe nutrition and are richer in taste.

Many times, it can be quite hard to judge the taste and ripeness without checking out a wedge section of the muskmelon. So, you should look for cantaloupe with a clean rind and the one that feel heavy for its size, which is neither overly lusterless nor shiny, without any bruises or cuts on the surface that might have appeared while transporting the fruit.

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At home, put them in the fridge or other cool and well-ventilated place. However, cut sections should be kept inside the fridge.

Preparation and Serving Methods

Cantaloupe external surface might harbor harmful salmonella bacteria, mostly at areas of minor cuts and cracks. Therefore, you need to wash the whole fruit in cold running water thoroughly before eating.

  • Depending upon the desirable size, the fruit can be cubed, scooped, or sliced into balls.
  • Here are some serving tips:
  • Fresh cantaloupes should be consumed as they are, without any particular additions so you can experience their great, natural taste.
  • The fruit sections are an amazing addition to many fruit salads.
  • Juice, sorbet, and jam are some delicious and nutritious items you can prepare with cantaloupe.
  • Cantaloupe nutrition is great so you should regularly eat this fruit, or add it to the desserts, custard, or with ice-cream.


Potential Health Risks of Eating Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe has no known cases of some allergic reactions, and can be safely consumed during pregnancy and in nursing mothers. Though, as a member of Cucurbita, this fruit may carry cucurbitacin toxin 7 . It’s therefore, bitter/unripe tasting melons need to be avoided.




Eating fruits and vegetables of all kinds has long been linked with a reduced risk of numerous health conditions. Cantaloupe nutrition is an ideal source of important vitamins and minerals. Many studies have claimed that increasing consumption of plant foods as cantaloupe reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes while promoting an increased energy, healthy complexion and hair, and overall health.


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