
This Is What Happens When You Consume Feta Cheese

Is Feta Cheese Healthy?

Feta cheese is made with goat’s or sheep’s milk and it has a tangy and bold flavor. The cheese supplies key minerals and vitamins, but it can also be high in sodium and saturated fat. You can include feta cheese in your healthy eating plan, though, because it does have some great nutritional value. Feta cheese is low in calories than most other cheeses, and it is high in flavor – therefore, you do not need to eat as much of it in order to feel satisfied.

Feta Cheese Nutrition Facts 

The term “feta,” used by Greeks to define this really popular cheese, originates from the Italian word fetta that means “slice.” Even though the EU has exact qualifications of feta cheese, it is possible to find this cheese in many other parts of the world that are made from buffalo and cow milk.

Feta cheese is a soft cheese with no holes, no skin, and a tangy taste. The nutrition of this cheese nutrition depends on precisely what brand and type of feta you consume. Traditional feta is prepared either from sheep’s milk or a combination of goat’s and sheep’s milk (and no over 30% goat’s milk).

1 serving of feta cheese (around 29 grams) contains:

  • 74 calories
  • 5 grams of fat
  • 2 grams’ carbohydrates
  • 9 grams’ sugar
  • 261 milligrams sodium 
  • 4 grams’ protein
  • 2 milligrams vitamin B2/riboflavin (14% DV)
  • 311 milligrams sodium (13% DV)
  • 141 milligrams calcium (14% DV)
  • 93 milligrams phosphorus (9% DV)
  • 5 micrograms vitamin B12 (8% DV)
  • milligrams vitamin B6 (6 % DV)
  • 2 micrograms selenium (6% DV) 
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Health Benefits of Feta Cheese

Is Feta Cheese Healthy?

This cheese is very low in calories and can be a great part of every well-balanced diet and weight loss program. Following, we offer you the best feta cheese health benefits. This popular Greek cheese can:

  1. Support bone health

As we all know, calcium is good for the bones. You probably already know that calcium is good for your bones. It improves peak bone mass, mostly in children and adolescents into those in their 20s. So, the bigger your peak bone mass – the lesser the risk of osteoporosis and some other conditions relating the loss of bone mass.

But, certain milk products – as pasteurized cow’s milk can hurt you bones – this kind of milk is one of the worst sources to get the most calcium because it may cause a high level of acid in the body (acidosis). As an alternative, find other high-calcium foods (like Greek feta), and try including more alkaline foods in your healthy diets, such as zucchini, spinach, and parsley.

  1. Protect against cancer

Maybe one of the fascinating benefits of feta cheese are its cancer – protective effects. As a great source of calcium, this cheese allows you to take advantage of a study suggesting that calcium (along with vitamin D) helps protect your body against different types of cancer.

But it’s not only calcium in feta which protects against cancer! Alpha – lactalbumin, a potent protein, can be found in feta as well, and when it binds to zinc ions and calcium, has been submitted to have antitumor and antibacterial properties.

  1. Support the natural treatment of anemia
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Anemia is linked to a problem with the hemoglobin cell, which carries oxygen into the body. When your body cannot get enough oxygen to the tissues and cells, it becomes fatigued and weak.

Related with low levels of folic acid, vitamin B12, or iron, anemia can be naturally treated with certain supplementation and foods of the deficient nutrients. Hence, the vitamin B12 (and some small amounts of iron) found in feta can serve as part of a well-balanced diet to fight anemia.

  1. Boost immune system

Histidine is another great protein found in feta. This protein was primarily considered significant only in infant health but later was initiated essential in adult people, too.

Eating foods as this Greek cheese sparingly, as a part of a diet rich in antioxidants to protect from the damage of inflammation, can guarantee a healthy immune system ready to struggle disease the way it was initially designed.   

  1. Prevent headaches, as well as migraines

As a good source of riboflavin and Vitamin B2, feta has been known for a long time as a natural remedy for a headache, as well as a migraine. A diet rich in vitamin B2 (plus Riboflavin supplements, if required) could serve as a preventative method to reduce migraines and other forms of a chronic headache.

  1. Help you maintain a healthy gut

Feta also provides you with helpful probiotics, which are “good” bacteria that line your gut. Not only are probiotics great immunity boosters, they help you to maintain a healthy gut and keep you away from many digestive issues common in high-stress lifestyles, particularly in people who regularly consume sugary foods and GMOs. 

  1. Protect your eyes and prevent degenerative eye disease
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The research found that individuals whose diets are high in vitamin B2 are at a lower risk of degenerative eye diseases like keratoconus, glaucoma, and cataracts (all of who are associated with aging).




You can eat feta as a healthy version of cheese. Always try to consume reduced-fat Greek, feta cheese in order to lower your intake of saturated fat by around 1/3. Use only a small amount of the cheese. However, it has a strong flavor, and it just takes a tiny bit to get the flavor of this tasty Greek cheese. Simply make yourself a portion of Greek salad, add some feta slices in a spinach salad, add to your favorite pasta salad, or some other healthy recipe. Slice the cheese and serve it with olives and some roasted red peppers for a lovely antipasti appetizer. Top lasagna or spaghetti with feta cheese, or just stir some cheese into scrambled eggs. Enjoy it in moderation!

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