
High-fat Cheese is the Secret to a Healthy Life, Say Scientists

High-fat cheese may actually be good for the health, according to a new research. A group of scientists from the University of Copenhagen found that consuming cheese can help to improve health by increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein, “good “cholesterol (HDL) – thought to offer protection against metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

The study conducted a twelve-week cheese analysis with 139 participants to discover how full-fat cheese could affect our bodies in various ways.

high-fat cheese

They split the topics up into 3 groups. The 1st group was told to consume 80g of regular high-fat cheese each day, the 2nd group consumed 80g of reduced-fat cheese, while the 3rd group did not eat cheese and consumed 90g of jam and bread every day instead.

According to the report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, none of the groups in the research experienced a change in their levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) “bad “cholesterol – that is thought to be counterproductive to decent cardiovascular health – those that consumed the regular cheese saw an increase in their “good” cholesterol levels (HDL).

This is not the 1st time a study has connected cheese to good health. A new Japanese study found that consumption of cheese prevents fat accumulation in the liver and has the potential to improve serum lipid parameters – exactly how we measure for heart disease risk.

In the meantime, a small 2015 research found that cheese can be the key to a decreased obesity and faster metabolism.

Hanne Bertram, who is a food scientist at Aarhus University in Denmark, compared fecal and urine samples from fifteen men whose diets either contained milk or cheese or consumed a diet with butter, however, on other dairy products.

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Bertram discovered that those who consumed cheese had higher butyric acid levels, a compound that has been associated with higher metabolism and reduced obesity. The higher levels of butyrate were associated with a reduction in cholesterol. Therefore, as the research suggested cheese can help protect against cardiovascular disease, support weight loss, and lead to wellbeing and longevity.

Contributors were put on a calorie-reduced diet, though, some were asked to consume more cheese, low-fat milk, and yogurt. People who increased their dairy consumption had lower blood pressure, lost the most weight and considerably improved their chances of avoiding diabetes and heart disease.

According to professor Wendy Chan She Ping Delfos, from the Curtin University of Technology, many people that are trying to lose weight, usually cut out dairy products of their diets as they are high in fat – but that is not right. Diets containing high levels of vitamin D, calcium, and protein, among other bioactive nutrients could be an important part of a weight maintenance diet and prudent weight loss.

See also: Feta Cheese is the Healthiest Cheese! Good for Weight Loss and MORE




High-fat cheese is really nutritious. It’s an amazing source of calcium, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, and contains all types of other nutrients. It’s also abundant in protein, with a single thick slice of high-fat cheese containing 6.7 grams protein, similar to a cup of milk. High-fat cheese, just like other high-fat dairy products, also contains potent fatty acids, which have been associated with all kinds of health benefits, including decreased risk of type 2 diabetes.

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