
How Indulging in Pizza Can Help You Lose Weight?

Indulging in pizza could assist dieters to lose weight, says, scientists. According to research from Portugal, a pizza crammed with pepperoni and cheese can be the key to losing weight. However, there is a catch.

The pizza could only be enjoyed once per week as a “treat”, and if you are following certain diet – you need to watch the calories strictly for the remaining 6 days.

The research was carried out by Professor Rita Coelho do Vale, from the Universidad Catolica Portuguesa. People were limited to 10 500 calories per week. However, 1 group were allowed a small indulgence and a day off, such as a pizza as long as they didn’t break the overall limit.

Indulge eating is still discouraged on the day off.

It was found that there was no major difference in the quantity of weight lost by the 2 groups. But, the group that was allowed to stray for 1 day were found to be more inspired to continue with the diet than their complements who were allowed no breathing space at all.

This was because individuals who weren’t allowed to stray became snappier and more likely to leave the diet.

The principle of cheat days has been trained before, though, a 2013 research in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care suggested even then dieters need to abstain from sugary foods.

  1. Skinny Fat

Characterized by:

  • Poor exercise and diet regime
  • Low or healthy BMI
  • Lack of muscle tone
  • Poor metabolic health (visceral fat, high blood glucose, high blood lipids). Visceral fat is usually present when there is a large build-up of fat around the belly area.
  • In some rare cases, belly fat could coat the internal organs and thus, lead to serious diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
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How to tackle it:

  • Identify tricky areas by measuring body fat with calipers; a DEXA scan could reveal the existence of visceral fat.
  • Building muscle is essential: an exercise program needs to stress muscle and cardiovascular resistance.
  • Diet should then upkeep the exercise demands: ensure you are fueled properly if you’re exercising (the intake of carb need to match exercise demands).  
  1. Burnt-out Fat

Characterized by:

  • Constant tiredness
  • Interrupted sleep pattern or difficulties dropping off
  • Increased appetite and sugar and carbohydrate cravings
  • Tiredness may negatively disturb metabolism by causing swings in “hunger hormones”.

How to tackle it:

  • Cutting down on alcohol can help to regulate the sleep patterns.
  • Add protein to each meal – it will help you control the insulin levels in your body by slowing down the rate of digestion.
  • Aim for sleep-inducing wind-down time to the end of the day: have a relaxing bath, or read a book in bed; sip a caffeine-free herbal tea.
  • Supplements that could help with sleep include taurine, magnesium, vitamin B, and Lactium.
  • Introducing regular weight-bearing and cardio exercises will promote a better sleep pattern, as well as aid you build muscle.
  1. Stressed Fat

Characterized by:

  • Inability to burn fat, even when dieting; accumulation of weight around the belly.
  • Stress fat is typically related to burnt-out fat, since they have knock-on effects to one another – hormones in your body work together as part of your endocrine system.

How to tackle it:

  • Eat less and often in order to eliminate sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates and control blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Stop fasting: if you deprive yourself, the body will think it is being starved – that increases levels of stress, contributing to fat storage
  • Replace caffeine with caffeine-free herbal tea (because a stimulant makes you even more stressed, causing the great release of cortisol, therefore, more fat around the tummy).
  • Food also plays a significant role in stress relief. Making healthy food choices – fresh vegetables and fruit such as cherries, blueberries, and raspberries, and balanced protein. Nuts, asparagus, and avocado are ideal healthy, stress-relieving foods to consume.
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Simple Low-Carb Pizza Crust Recipe

Make 2-4 servings


  • 2 cups park-skim or whole organic mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal (optional)
  • 2 large organic eggs
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour or unflavored whey protein powder
  • ½ teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder



Mix eggs, cheese, baking powder, coconut flour or protein powder (if using), and flax meal (if using). Spread with a spatula on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Then, bake for about 30 minutes on 350 degrees. Remove from the oven. Next, slide off of parchment paper, and turn over again on the pan so the crust can cool down with the nice side up. When the crust is cooled down, top with sauce, pre-cooked meats or veggies, and some cheese. Then, broil on high for about 2 minutes, or till cheese topping is bubbly and melted.

–974 calories per crust, 8 g net carbs (made with coconut flour)—





Many individuals have a give-and-take relationship with foods. In order to keep things in balance, they recompense each decadent food choice with a well-balanced, healthy choice. The healthy indulgence trends represent an incredible opportunity for the food and beverage industry because numerous consumers have been dealing with their busy and fast lifestyles by ingestion in a “debits and credits” fashion. Indulging in pizza can help you lose weight and make a balance in your diet.

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