
Top 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Plums

Plum benefits are really impressive! Plum is a tasty fruit related to the family of cherries and peaches. This fruit is rich in dietary fiber and is very effective in improving your digestive system. There are various plums available throughout the world, ranging in colors like blue-black, red, green, purple, amber, or yellow. Plum is thought to have originated in Asia and after that has been grown all over the world. The fresh and juicy taste of the plums makes them refreshing to consume on a hot summer day!

Facts About Plums

Plums are delicious fruits from the genus Prunus of the Rosaceae family that also includes nectarines, apricots, and peaches, apricots. Plum exist in different shapes and colors with more than 2000 diverse varieties. These fruits are generally divided into these 3 groups:

  • Japanese (Prunus salicina);
  • European-Asian (Prunus domestica), and
  • Damson (Prunus insititia). 

China is the leading harvester of plum, followed by the America, Romania, and Serbia. Within America, the main production of this fruit happens in California. Apart from fresh, plums can also be canned or dried. These fruits are then known as prunes.

Plum Benefitsplum benefits

According to a 2013 study published in Critical Reviews in Food and Science Nutrition, eating dried plums can reduce the subsequent intake of nutrients and increase satiety, helping to control diabetes, obesity, and other related diseases 1 2 . So, no matter fresh or dried – plums have many benefits that can improve your health. Following, you can find some of the greatest plum benefits:

  1. Good for your heart

A medium-sized fresh plum contains about 114 mg of potassium, a mineral which helps reduce stroke risk and manage high blood pressure. If that is not pleasing enough, the reddish-blue pigment in certain plums, known as anthocyanin, can protect against cancer by wiping up harmful free radicals.

  1. Improve Bone Health
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Scientists from Oklahoma State and Florida State universities tested 2 groups of postmenopausal women over the span of one year for bone density 3 . The 1st group ate 100 grams of dried plums per day (around 10 prunes); the 2nd group ate 100 grams of dried apples. Plus, both groups took vitamin D and calcium supplements.

The findings showed that the dried plums group had a significantly higher bone mineral density in the forearms and spine.

  1. Regulate Your Blood Sugar

In accordance to Dietitians of Canada, these fruits rank quite low on the glycemic index 4 . This means eating them could help you regulate your blood sugar and decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. Find effective natural remedies for diabetes:

  1. Keep the bowels regular

Prunes (dried plums) are a tried-and-true way to aid your bowels do their work (every prune has 1 gram of fiber). Eat them fresh, or make a batch of softened prunes so you can keep in the fridge and have them with yogurt or granola: Simply soak a few handfuls of prunes in boiled water, then cool and store in a jar in your fridge.

  1. Boost Your Memory

Did you know that consuming just 3-4 antioxidant-rich dried plums per day can aid neutralize cell-damaging free radicals which affect the memory? Well, that is sharp snacking! Plum benefits your memory so much, so if you eat prunes regularly you will boost the function of your brain and improve your memory and learning abilities. Check out more foods that can boost your memory: LINK

Plum Nutrition Facts

The numerous plum benefits are a result of its impressive mineral and vitamin content. Plums not just help digestion, but they are also known to boost the immune system, help skin health, improve cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol, and fight free radicals.

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Just 1 cup of sliced plum has around 5 :

  • 76 calories
  • 0 grams’ fat
  • 18 grams’ carbohydrate
  • 8-gram protein
  • 17 grams’ sugar
  • 9 grams’ dietary fiber
  • 16 milligrams vitamin C (27% DV)
  • 568 international units Vitamin A (10% DV)
  • 9 micrograms vitamin K (12% DV)
  • 01 milligrams riboflavin (3% DV)
  • 01 milligrams thiamin (3% DV)
  • 6 milligrams niacin (2% DV)
  • 01 milligrams vitamin B6 (2% DV)
  • 5 milligrams vitamin E (3% DV)
  • 4 micrograms folate (3% DV)
  • 2 milligrams pantothenic acid (2% DV)
  • 258 milligrams potassium (6% DV)
  • 1 milligrams copper (5% DV)
  • 3 milligrams iron (2% DV)
  • 1 milligrams manganese (4% DV)
  • 26 milligrams phosphorus (3% DV)
  • 12 milligrams magnesium (4% DV)


How to Select and Store Plums?

Select this fruit with a slight whitish bloom that indicates no over-handling. You should avoid the soft plums that have bruises. Just ripe and ready to eat plum yield to pressure and have a nice, sweet aroma. Plums can be stored in the fridge. Slightly firm plums could be kept in some paper bag at room temperature till they ripen. You can keep prunes at room temperature for a few days.


Possible Side Effects of Plums

Plum benefits are incredible, but this fruit contains oxalates that may cause kidney stones. That’s why individuals with the history of kidney stones need to avoid eating plums.

It is also believed that in some people oxalates reduce calcium absorption that results in calcium levels increasing in the kidneys. Eventually, this can cause the formation of small or some large stones in the bladder and the kidneys. People with kidney stones might be able to consume a very small amount of plums, therefore, take it slow and be careful with the consumption of plums. 

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Plums and its dried form, called ‘Prune’ are rich in unique phytonutrients known as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acid. They have an antioxidant function and are truly beneficial for our health. Consumption of plums helps in the absorption and production of iron in the body. Eating plums regularly can prevent macular degeneration and other infections of the eye in the long run. Scientists have found that plum has anti-cancer agents that can help prevent the growth of tumors and cancerous cells in the body. Plum benefits your cardiovascular health and can reduce your chances of developing a heart disease. Plums have some powerful cleansing agents, which keep your blood pure and prevent complications of the heart.

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