
The Science Behind the Fertility Diet

Fertility diet is a healthy way that can help you boost ovulation and improve fertility. But, what exactly is a fertility diet?

A Fertility diet is a healthy way of eating, which is supporting the reproduction in the body. It includes foods that are dense in specific nutrients required for hormonal function, blood health, fetal development, balance and production, sperm health, egg health and much more. It’s a diet which is designed to assist your body in balancing fertility problems that may exist and delivers all of the building blocks for a healthy baby. It’s also a diet which is focused on providing you and your future baby the perfect start in life.
The Science Behind the Fertility Diet Fertility Diet

The Fertility diet submissions are a buildup of nutritional data, scientific research, dietary practices of the most fertile populations, as well as dietary practices that are known to ease complications during pregnancy.2 

Harvard Research
Harvard performed a study that revealed an 80 percent reduction in infertility with lifestyle changes made by swapping to a fertility diet 3 . According to outcomes published in Obstetrics & Gynecology,

women that followed a combination of 5 or more lifestyle aspects, including changing certain factors of their diets, experienced over 80% less relative risks of infertility because of the ovulatory disorders compared to females who engaged in none of the aspects.4 

The females with the best fertility diet scores consumed less sugar from carbs and trans fats, consumed more high-fat dairy products and more protein from veggies than from animals, took more multivitamins, ate more fiber and iron, had a lower body mass index (BMI), and exercised for longer periods of time each day. The relationship between a lesser risk for infertility and a higher “fertility diet” score was similar for different subcategories of females regardless of whether or not they had been pregnant in the past and regardless their age.

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Natural Nutritional Practices for Healing

Nature offers foods that nourish and feed our body. However, when unhealthy foods are avoided and the body is optimally nourished, the body is then able to repair and restore itself. This is actually very helpful for fertility, particularly if there is a fertility issue or an underlying imbalance. The cells in the body are persistently dying off and new-fangled cells are being made to replace the old ones. This is occurring in each tissue, muscle, organ, etc. of the body continually. The building blocks of the new-fangled cells are delivered from the foods that you are eating. The Fertility Diet is also created to help support a healthy body that in turn could heal itself and make healthier cells.

Benefits of Fertility Diet 

  1. Provides vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which help to protect sperm health and egg from the damage caused by free-radicals.
  2. Assist the body in maintaining hormonal balance by providing the fats required for hormone function and production.
  3. Could decrease the chance of a miscarriage because of the insulin resistance and harm from free-radicals to the sperm, DNA, and ova (eggs).
  4. Provides the body with an abundance of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients required for optimal health.
  5. Supports a healthy reproductive system.
  6. Helps to build essential nutrient stores for pregnancy.
  7. Promotes vitality and energy.

The Fertility Diet Nutrition Guidelines 

  • Eat a plenty of organic fruits and vegetables;
  • Eat organic, grass-fed, whole fat, raw dairy (there are many healthy replacements to dairy such as fresh hemp or almond milk);
  • Try to consume mostly cold water fish;
  • Choose meat that is organic and grass fed;
  • Choose only organic/free range chicken;
  • Eat just grains in their whole, natural form;
  • Eat high fiber foods with every meal(fiber aids to regulate blood sugar levels that help to reduce fertility problems such as immunological issues, PCOS, and promotes healthy hormonal balance. Beans, dark leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits are some examples of high fiber foods);
  • No soy at all unless fermented such as tempeh and miso;
  • Avoid fruit juices (except freshly juiced) or refined sugars, and
  • Drink plenty of clean water(it’s best to avoid bottled water due to the plastic in the bottle can lead to hormonal imbalance because of their estrogen representing chemicals. The ideal waters to choose from are distilled and reverse osmosis).
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The Fertility Diet is in both, Easiest Diets to Follow and Best Diabetes Diets for 2016. 38 diets were valued with input from a panel of professionals. 5 




There is no guarantee you will get pregnant by following the Fertility Diet. But, this diet includes many research-backed steps that could boost fertility for women with conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, ovulation disorders, damaged fallopian tubes, fibroids or uterine polyps, immune system disorders, and endometriosis. While male conditions such as sperm defects, low sperm count, immune disorders, and twisted spermatic cords can also be factors for infertility, the diet isn’t created to address male fertility problems.

You do not have to follow all steps at once – try to accept them gradually when you feel comfortable.

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