
This Is What Happens When You Eat Pears

Health benefits of Pears are amazing. Pear is a mild, tasty fruit with a fibrous center. This fruit is rich in significant antioxidants, dietary fiber, and flavonoids and packs all of these nutrients in a cholesterol-free, fat-free, 100-calorie package. Pear has fewer calories and more dietary fiber than an apple. Eating pears can help you lose weight, and reduce the risk of developing hypertension, heart disease, and cancer, in accordance with a well-balanced, healthy diet.

Health Benefits of Pears Health Benefits of Pears 

Numerous studies have found that increasing consumption of plant foods, as pears, reduces the risk of diabetes, health disease, and obesity while promoting an increased energy, healthy skin and hair and overall lower weight 1 .  Here are the most impressive health benefits of pears:

  • Great Content of Fiber

The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Institute of Medicine settled an AI (Adequate Intake) recommendation for fiber, suggesting that men under the age of 51 consume 38 grams of fiber a day and women under the age of 51 consume 26 grams of fiber a day. For adults up to 51 years’ age, the recommendation for men is 31 grams of fiber a day and for women is 20 grams of fiber a day 2 . Many people aren’t getting even 51% of their daily recommendation. But why is fiber so important?

According to many studies from the National Institute of Medicine, diets with 14 grams’ fiber for each 1000 calories are associated with a great reduction in the risk of both type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease 3 .

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The easiest way to improve fiber intake is to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Just a medium pear provides about 6 grams of fiber – or around 24% of the daily requirement for a woman under 51. 

  • Help You Lose Weight

Vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber are low in calories, and can keep you feeling full longer. This one of my favorite health benefits of Pears. Increased fiber intake has been found to boost weight loss for obese people 4 .

  • Treating Diverticulosis

High fiber diets have been proven to reduce the occurrence in flare-ups of diverticulitis by absorption of water in the colon and making bowel movement easier to pass 5 . Consuming a healthful, vegetable and fruit and fiber-filled diet can decrease inflammation and pressure in the colon.

Even though the reason of diverticular disease is still unknown, it has been frequently linked with a low fiber diet.

  • Lower Cholesterol and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Increased fiber intake has also been proven to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. An analysis of 67 dispersed controlled trials showed that even a modest amount of 10-gram per day increase in fiber consumption decreased LDL and complete cholesterol 6 7 .

Recent studies have proven that dietary fiber even plays a significant role in regulating inflammation and supporting the immune system, consequently reducing the risk of inflammation-related conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and cancer 8 .

Facts About Pears 9 

  1. There are more than 3000 varieties of pears around the world.
  2. The majority of pears sold in the U.S. are cultivated on the west coast, mainly Washington and Oregon.
  3. The U.S. is one of the largest producers of this fruit worldwide.
  4. One medium pear has around 100 calories.
  5. Every pear in the U.S. is picked by hand.
  6. Pears are one of the few fruits, which have an extensive history, reaching back to about 1000 B.C.
  7. Pears used to be known as “butter fruit” for its butter-like, soft texture.
  8. Pears are a member of the rose family.
  9. Pear tree wood is often used to construct furniture, musical instruments, and some other wooden décor.
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  • Improve Digestion

The fiber content in pears promotes regularity for a healthy digestive tract and prevents constipation.

  • Prevent Diabetes

A high fiber diet keeps blood sugar stable and is linked with a lower risk of developing diabetes 10 . 

  • Promote Detoxification

Systematic, adequate bowel movements are vital for the daily excretion toxins through the stool and bile. Pears are around 84% water that helps to keep stools soft and eliminate toxins from the digestive system.

Nutritional Value of Pears

Besides their great flavor and availability, this juicy fruit has also been valued for its medicinal benefits for centuries. Pears have vast health potential. Some of their active and effective components are vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, folate, phenolic compounds, manganese, dietary fiber, magnesium, copper, and B-complex vitamins.


There is no any known interaction of health risk with this fruit, though there are always ongoing researches. However, since there are people who suffer from some allergic reactions based on certain types of fruits, monitor your reaction and body’s behavior if you don’t normally consume pears, and only consume an appropriate amount, no more than just one medium pear a day.

Pear, Green Apple, and Lime Smoothie Recipe

This is an ideal to-go smoothie recipe that will refresh you in the morning and give you energy to embrace the day.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 3 big juicy pears (peeled)
  • 2 green apples (peeled or unpeeled – for extra benefits)
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1/2 cup of spring water
  • A few mint leaves (optional)


Chop the pears and apples and place them into a blender together with the lime juice.  Add ½ cup of spring water and a few mint leaves. Mix all the ingredients together until smooth. You are done! Serve and drink.

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Pears contain a fair amount of vitamins B2, B3, B6, C, and K. Pear is one of the richest-fiber-fruits, offering about 6 grams per one medium-sized fruit, helping you meet the daily intake of 25 – 30 grams of fiber. Filling up on fiber can help you prevent constipation and even colon cancer. A diet rich in fiber can also keep your blood sugar and cholesterol levels down. Getting your fill of fiber from this juicy fruit is also associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and breast cancer. So, if you are sick of eating an apple a day – you can freely replace it with a pear a day!

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  1. Bisbi June 23, 2018

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