
How to recognize ADHD symptoms in children?

ADHD is a shortcut from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is one of the most common childhood disorders today. Therefore, many women during their pregnancy, are usually scared for the health of their unborn child, especially from ADHD. But, this disease cannot be diagnosed during pregnancy.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH)1 , ADHD affects 3-5 % of all children in USA (almost 2 million). It is mostly diagnosed in children, but adults can also have this condition. Even though many adults with this condition might be unaware they suffer from this disorder, still know they have difficulties staying focused and getting organized. Daily tasks as waking up, getting prepared, organizing for the working day, or getting to work on time and being productive, could be main challenges for an adult with this condition.

Think your kid may have this disorder? Or think you might? The symptoms vary, and no 2 people are alike. Just an expert can tell for sure. However, there are particular signs of every age.

Primary, you need to know that there are 3 types of ADHD:

  • Hyperactive-impulsive
  • Inattentive
  • A combination of both

Each has different symptoms, and they can change with age. How to recognize ADHD symptoms in children bl

Symptoms of Hyperactivity-Impulsive Type

  1. Squirming while seated, restlessness, frequently fidgeting with hands or/and feet;
  2. Blurting out answers before hearing the entire question;
  3. Running, jumping, leaving a seat, especially in situations where quiet behavior or sitting is expected, and
  4. Difficulties taking turns or waiting in line. 

Symptoms of Inattention Type

  1. Makes careless mistakes, ignores details;
  2. Doesn’t seem to listen with addressed;
  3. Has difficulty sustaining attention in play or work, and
  4. Fails to finish something, cannot really follow instructions.
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Symptoms of Combined Type

Statistics are saying that most of the children and the adolescents with ADHD have this type.

  1. Shows symptoms of both hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention (6 or more symptoms of both types), and
  2. Has symptoms that have persevered for at least 6 months.

Categories at risk

Boys are 4 times more likely to have this disorder than girls. The usual age of onset is seven years old, and can continue through adolescence and adulthood.

This disorder affects about 4.1 percent of American adults (older than 18 years), and 9 percent of American children from the age of 13 to the age of 18 years.

The latest studies showed that the number of children diagnosed with this condition is increasing every day, but it is still unclear why. 

ADHD Can Be Easily Mistaken

Teachers and parents may miss the fact that children with symptoms of inattention have this disorder because they are usually quiet and less likely to enact. They might sit quietly, seeming to do something, but they are usually not paying attention to what they are actually doing. Also, they might get along well with the other children, compared with the children with other subtypes, who tend to have social issues. Still children with the inattentive kind of ADHD aren’t the only ones whose conditions can be missed.

For example, adults might think that children with the impulsive and hyperactive subtypes just have disciplinary or emotional problems. 

Treatment options for ADHD in children

When a child is diagnosed with this disorder, parents usually have concerns deciding the best ways to help their child. It is really significant for parents to know that this condition could be successfully managed. Experts from The National Institute of Mental Health are claiming that there are many treatment options, thus, parents must work closely with everyone involved in their child’s life, such as therapists, healthcare providers, coaches, teachers, and of course, the other family members.

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Nowadays, there are various amazing programs and resources that can help parents guide their child to success.

Here are the best treatment options for ADHD:

  • Parent training
  • School interventions and accommodations
  • Behavior therapy
  • Medications

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends both medications and behavior therapy for 6-year-old children and older.

Behavior therapy is highly recommended for preschool-aged children with this condition before medications are tried.

Good treatment policies should include close monitoring of how much the treatment benefits the child’s behavior, and involves changes as required along the way.

Studies have proven that the ability of ADHD children to stay focused and attentive significantly degraded after losing less than 1 hour of sleep each night for 1 week. Scientists point out that even the modest reductions in sleep time may have an effect on neurobehavioral functioning, conceivably affecting the academic performance of ADHD children destructively.

Statistics are showing that children with this disorder are highly creative and can spend a very long time doing the activity they love. These children are more open to trying new things than the other children.



The main thing for ADHD is to identify and treat it in the earliest stage. Children diagnosed with ADHD that are not managed effectively have a higher risk of suffering depression, anxiety and learning difficulties, as well as risky behavior, relationship problems and frequent injuries.

Children with this condition should be lead to finding positive ways to use their extra energy that can protect them fight the mental health problems and can be great for their self-esteem.

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For example, activities that require more energy, like dancing or different sports could be perfect hobbies or even a future careers for children with ADHD condition.

Even though this is a very treatable disorder, children rarely outgrow this condition. Contemporary ADHD treatments focus on indication management with cognitive behavioral therapy, medications, and numerous behavior modifications.

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