
How to Deal with Male Menopause Symptoms as a Man? + Conclusion

Male menopause symptoms usually appear in the late 40s or early 50s. Male menopause, also known as andropause, refers to a drop in testosterone levels which most men experience when they get older. Sleeplessness, hot flashes, mood swings – every person knows about the changes which happen to most women when their levels of estrogen drop and they go through a process of menopause.

Male Menopause Symptoms: Definitely not a myth!

Do men go through a similar set of unwanted changes as their hormone levels decline? Yes, they do! It’s a process that the experts call “male menopause”.

male menopause symptoms

When it comes to aging, most women speak openly about menopausal mood swings, hot flashes, thinning hair, weight gain, exhaustion, etc. But women are not the only ones who have to deal with hormonal changes as they are getting older. Well, as a nutritionist I have been often asked about male menopause symptoms and how to reduce them. Family friends, relatives, people at work, my husband’s patients… so, if you experience some symptoms of andropause – you are not alone!

Some men develop loss of sex drive, depression, erectile dysfunction and other emotional and physical symptoms when they reach their late forties to early fifties. Therefore, male menopause is something that exists, but men are not open enough to talk about it as women are. As in many cases, my general advice is that better eating habits are usually the key to better health. Below, you can find some great natural remedies that can help you deal with this problem as a man!

Male Menopause Symptoms

Male menopause can cause psychological, physical, and sexual problems. They usually worsen as you get older. Male menopause symptoms can include:

  • Increased tiredness
  • Sadness or depression
  • Low energy
  • Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
  • Decreased motivation
  • Increased body fat
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of physical weakness and reduced muscle mass
  • Decreased bone density
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced libido
  • Fat redistribution, as developing a huge belly, or developing breasts (gynecomastia)
  • Infertility

Changes in Testosterone Over the Years

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Before you hit teenage years, your levels of testosterone are low. After that, as you sexually mature the testosterone levels increase. Testosterone is a hormone who fuels certain changes involved in male puberty, including:

  • Growth of your body hair
  • Growth of your muscle mass
  • Changes in your sexual functioning
  • Lowering of your voice

As you age, the levels of testosterone will naturally begin to drop. Testosterone levels have a tendency to decline an average of 1% per year after males turn 30. Certain health disorders may cause earlier or drastic declines in your levels of testosterone.

8 Great Natural Remedies

 The most common type of treatment for male menopause symptoms is making healthier lifestyle choices. For example, your healthcare professional may advise you to eat a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep, reduce stress, and get regular exercise. Here are the most important natural remedies that can help you reduce the symptoms of male menopause:

  1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed, just like soy, is a powerful content of phytoestrogens. It’s also an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids that can help in mood stabilization. Flaxseed can help you balance your hormones and reduce hot flashes, as well as mood disturbance.

  1. Black Cohosh

Black CohoshA few studies have proven black cohosh to be excellent in decreasing hot flashes. This herb is commonly used to treat women menopause symptoms. But, it can also treat andropause symptoms by reducing mood changes and sleep problems. Plus, it can heal headaches and help lower high blood pressure. However, black cohosh can also have certain side effects, so before using it – consult your healthcare professional.

  1. Cranberry Juice
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Cranberries and cranberry juice are rich sources of antioxidants, as well as some essential vitamins and minerals. It can help you prevent many chronic diseases that come with aging, as prostate cancer and some cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, this red fruit can boost your libido and reduce stress. Consume cranberry juice regularly and you will feel the benefits. 

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a potent antioxidant called Lycopene –carotenoid and red carotene pigment that gives the color of tomatoes.

In accordance with the American Association for Cancer Research, people who eat tomatoes regularly show a reduced risk of some types of cancers such as prostate, stomach, and lung cancer 1 . As we know, men are more prone to these forms of cancer, especially in the late 40s and the 50s. Therefore, it certainly important to eat tomatoes and other Lycopene-rich products.

  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acidssalmon

Fish are an abundant source of omega-3 fatty acids that can help stabilize the mood swings. Omega-3 fatty’s can help improve memory and concentration (find more brain foods to improve memory and concentration: LINK), as well as fight heart disease. You should include eating fish twice a week. Salmon, trout, canned sardines, and mackerel are some of the best choices.

  1. Cutting Down On Alcohol

no alcoholWho has not felt the negative effects of consuming too much alcohol, such as feeling flushed or trouble to sleep? Alcohol is a great trigger for hot flashes. So, if that was not enough to ward you off the bottle, research show that drinking alcohol regularly ups the risk for other conditions as stroke, cancer, and reduced libido.

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  1. Exerciseexercise

According to many dieticians, exercise is truly important. It can be a great sleep aid, fighting the sleep disturbance many people complain about. It has been proven to improve the whole range of menopause symptoms from mood swings to hot flashes. Apart from jogging, walking and aerobic exercise, try relaxation techniques, such as tai chi or yoga.

  1. Well-balanced Diet

dietMen have different daily nutritious requirements to women. A diet based on protein-rich foods, such as pulses, eggs, beans, meat, and fish; some starchy foods such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes along with many fruits and vegetables; milk and dairy foods; and not too much sugar, salt, or fat, will give you all the nutrients you need. A well-balanced diet is really important for dealing with male menopause symptoms. It will help boost your immune system and improve your overall health.




It is normal to experience a decline in your levels of testosterone as you get older. For most men, the male menopause symptoms are controllable, even without treatment. But, if your symptoms are causing you suffering, you should consult with your doctor. Your healthcare professional will provide recommendations in order to help you manage or treat your symptoms. The above-mentioned lifestyle habits can benefit all men who experience menopause. After adopting these habits, you will notice a dramatic change in your overall health.

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