
Parkinson’s disease symptoms (Everything You Need To Know)

Parkinson’s disease symptoms usually develop gradually and they can be different for each person with this condition. These symptoms are mild at first.

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive disease of the nervous system that affects the movement.  

Common Parkinson’s disease symptoms

Parkinson’s disease symptoms

Here are the most common Parkinson’s disease symptoms, known as Parkinsonism:

  • tremor or shaking – it usually begins in the arm or hand and is more likely to appear when the limb is at rest
  • slow movement – when the physical movement is much slower than normal
  • muscles stiffnesstension and stiffness in the muscles that can make it difficult to move, or make facial expressions
  • balance problems – a person with this disorder is more likely to injure and fall

Eat more fruits and vegetables to prevent Parkinson’s disease symptoms, especially berries.

Other Parkinson’s disease symptoms

This disease can also have some other physical and mental symptoms. 

Physicals symptoms: 

  • lose the sense of smell, it can appear several years before the disease
  • nerve pain, it can cause coldness, numbness, and burning sensation
  • urinary problems
  • constipation, have trouble moving the bowels
  • erection dysfunction, inability to sustain or even obtain an erection
  • sexual dysfunction, trouble becoming sexually aroused in women
  • swallowing difficulties that can lead to dehydration
  • excessive sweating 
  • excessive production of saliva 

Mental symptoms

  • anxiety and depression
  • trouble sleeping (insomnia)
  • memory problems
  • personality changes
  • problems with planning and organizing activities
  • delusion (to believe in things that are not real or true)


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In this article, we described the most common symptoms, but it is unlikely that an individual can experience all or most of these Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

You should not worry if you have one or two of these symptoms because that is not typical for Parkinson’s disease.

However, if you have more of the symptoms you must visit your doctor, or consult a neurologist. In order to delay any further symptoms, you can start exercise regularly.

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