
Vaginal Dryness: Simple Natural Treatments

Vaginal dryness is a common problem that women experience at some point in their lives. It’s a treatable problem that can occur at any age but is more common in women who are going through or have menopause.

Do not feel embarrassed or ignore a dry vagina. You should seek help if it is a problem for you. There are many treatments that can help.

Vaginal Dryness

Causes of Vaginal Dryness 

The most common causes of a dry vagina are:

  • The menopause – reduced levels of estrogen during the menopause could persistent vaginal dryness (also known as atrophic vaginitis or vaginal atrophy);
  • Not being aroused before sexual intercourse – if you do not feel aroused before having sexual intercourse, your vagina might not produce natural lubricant and sexual intercourse can be uncomfortable;
  • Childbirth or breastfeeding – estrogen levels could temporarily reduce after giving birth and make your vagina feel drier than normal;
  • Some forms of contraception – the combination of contraceptive injection and contraceptive pill may occasionally cause dry vagina, though this is uncommon, and
  • Cancer treatment – hormonal cancer treatments, radiotherapy to the pelvic area, and at times chemotherapy could cause vaginal dryness.

Symptoms of Dry Vagina

Certain women just have symptoms of vaginal dryness at sometimes, as during sex, while other women have them constantly. Problems related to having vaginal dryness, include:

  • Vaginal irritation, itchiness, a burning sensation, or discomfort;
  • A reduced sex drive
  • Discomfort during sex
  • The surface of your vagina looks thin and pale
  • Difficulty getting stimulated and reaching orgasm;
  • Needing to pee more often than normal;
  • Shortening or narrowing of the vagina,
  • Repeated urinary tract infection (UTI).
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How to Treat Vaginal Dryness? 

Treating this problem ranges from lifestyle changes to alternative treatments and natural supplements. Home remedies are inexpensive, safe, and effective ways of treatment for vaginal dryness, and they can include:

  • Olive oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Cotton underwear
  • Increased foreplay
  • Avoiding chemicals

Whilst these methods can be beneficial for many women, every woman is different and as such some remedies will be more effective for certain women than others. Another important way to treat this issue at home is through your lifestyle and diet. There are various foods that can help to heal this condition.

Well-balanced Diet for Treating Vaginal Dryness

There are some alternatives to estrogen therapy that work very well and are usually worth trying before visiting your GP and using estrogen therapy. Certain changes in your daily diet can help to alleviate or heal the effect of vaginal dryness. This include:

  1. Seeds and Nutsnuts almonds

Seeds and nuts are high in fatty acids significant for our health. They are also great sources of essential nutrients that play a crucial role in disease prevention by keeping us healthy as we age. Include more seeds and nuts in your daily diet in order to ease vaginal dryness.

  1. Fish

salmonOmega-3 fatty acids are really important for reducing the signs and symptoms of vaginal dryness and menopause. You should add fish on your menu and consume it 2-3 times a week. Canned sardines, tuna, and salmon are especially good for increasing the levels of estrogen and reducing the chances of vaginal dryness.


  1. Waterwater

Hydration is certainly important, especially in menopause. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day will reduce the chances of the dry vagina.

  1. Soy
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soyCompounds in soy products, mostly soybeans mimic the effect of estrogen. Hailed as a champion of menopause, soy is widely used to treat numerous menopausal symptoms. If you include soy to your diet, you can experience relief from a dry vagina.


  1. Fruitscitrus fruits

Vitamins and minerals from fruits are essential for our well-being. In terms of vaginal discharge (read more about vaginal discharge remedies: LINK) and dry vagina, why not make a delicious refreshing snack of cherries with yogurt to help the issue. Any fruit that contains natural water is a great plus. Melon and apples, for instance, are another to consider.

  1. Wild Yam

wild yamIt’s another plant that promises to ease dryness. Wild Yam is a great antispasmodic so is good for relaxing muscles, menstrual cramps, neuralgia, soothing nerves, poor circulation, and relieving pain. However, evidence from research is lacking.


  1. Black CohoshBlack Cohosh

It’s an amazing herbal supplement that is considered by some to decrease menopausal symptoms. Headaches, hot flashes, sleep problems, night sweats and vaginal dryness are some of the issues that can be treated with black cohosh tea or supplement. There are just a few clinical trials that show its effectiveness. Still, many women use black cohosh and have positive effects. You can include it in your daily diet and see if works for your case.

  1. Kegel Exercises

keggel exerciseIn regards to the dry vagina, the addition of Kegel exercise to your daily routine will strengthen your vaginal muscles and keep your vaginal area healthy. These exercises can make a world of difference for many women, especially in perimenopause because they could relieve symptoms of vaginal pain, dry vagina, Interstitial Cystitis, and urinary incontinence. Click on the following link for more information about urinary incontinence home remedies:

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Medical Treatments for Vaginal Dryness

The main medical treatments that can help you in the case of a dry vagina include:

  • Vaginal moisturisers
  • Lubricants
  • Vaginal estrogen
  • Hormone replacement therapy


When to Visit Your Doctor

Maybe you feel uncomfortable to bring up the topic of vaginal dryness with your GP, but it is an important medical issue and should be addressed if natural remedies (or pharmaceutical) remedies are not helping you. The dryness can hinder the relationship with your partner because it can make sex really painful. As soon as dryness starts to interfere with your lifestyle, you must make an appointment with your healthcare professional.




Vaginal dryness is a truly uncomfortable condition, but could be managed and treated. Eating a well-balanced diet is a vital component of a woman’s life whether in menopause or as a teenager. Natural lubricants (as olive or coconut oil) can also improve your condition. Consult your doctor before taking some of the herbal remedies, as it can interfere with other vitamins, medications, or other herbs you are currently taking.

In addition to these remedies, it is also a good idea to avoid douches or vaginal cleansers. These products can only make dryness worse.

One Response

  1. Lola ADEKOYA September 7, 2018

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