If you want to lose weight, one thing that you need to change is how you eat and what to eat for breakfast. A lot of us are accustomed to eating cereals and bread-based food items for breakfast. Sadly, we believe that such breakfast items help us when it comes to energy supply and weight loss when in fact they contribute to weight gain.
If you want to lose weight, whilst still having the ability to supply the body with the energy it needs throughout the day, you need to find ways and techniques to stabilize blood sugar levels.
The usual habit of starting the day consuming a high-carbohydrate breakfast only results in a spike in blood sugar levels immediately followed by a dip in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar is at its lowest, we then experience easy fatigability and sudden hunger for more carbohydrates for the much-needed energy boost.
Once we succumb to this craving, the body once again experiences a spike in blood sugar concentration. This vicious cycle repeats throughout the entire day. The improper regulation of the rise and fall of blood sugarlevelsl slows down the ability of the human body to mobilize fats and use them for fuelToto lose weight effectively, we need to focus our efforts on burning fat stores instead. Slowing down the body’s ability to burn fat stores does not match our goal to become slimmer and healthier. Therefore, starting your day with the right type of breakfast food items will most definitely inhibit the rise in our blood sugar levels.
This is a simple but powerful way of encouraging a more stable blood sugar level, which makes it possible to use fat stores throughout the day and stimulate weight loss as well.
To help you jump-start a healthy and weight-loss-inducing breakfast habit, here are simple and delicious recipes that you can make asap! These food preparations are rich in proteins, and fibers, and are full of nutrients meaning they will also supply the body with the essential vitamins and minerals that it needs to function smoothly.
1. Green Smoothies
To keep you filled and energized the entire day, here is a simple smoothie recipe that is loaded with a wide array of nutrients:
-Iced green tea-1 tbsp chia seeds
-1 scoop whey protein powder
– 2 large handfuls of baby spinach
– ½ cup frozen organic berries
Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until it reaches a smoothie consistency. If the mix is too thick, you may then add more green tea to thin it out a bit.
2. Egg Scrambles
If you have leftovers in the fridge, you can do this simple and highly nutritious dish for a healthy breakfast option.
-2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
-4 tomatoes sliced in half
– 2 cups of chopped kale
– 2 whole eggs scrambled
First, you need to sauté the kale and tomato in olive oil. Saute until the kale is nicely wilted. The second step is to pour the egg mixture into the sautéed ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.
3. Spinach and Feta Scramble
-2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
-2 tbsp. feta cheese
– 2 cups of baby spinach
– 2 whole eggs scrambledThe first step is to sauté the baby spinach in olive oil until nicely wilted. Next, slowly pour the egg mixture onto the spinach and cook together for two minutes. Lastly, place the feta cheese on top of the omelet. Add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Asparagus and Scallion Scramble
-2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
– 1 scallion diced
– 2 cups of frozen asparagus spears sliced into small pieces
– 2 whole eggs scrambled
Start cooking the asparagus in extra virgin olive oil. Pour the egg mixture onto the sautéed asparagus for two minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
5. Egg with Scallion and Avocadoes
– 1 medium-sized avocado diced
-2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
– 1 scallion diced
– 2 whole eggs scrambled
Pour the eggs and the scallion into a pan and cook for two minutes. Top the cooked scramble with fresh-diced avocadoes.
6 . Baked Egg Broccoli
This dish can be made in advance and preheated a few minutes before serving breakfast.
-1 and a half cups of 2% organicmilk-fat cottage cheese
– 4 egg whites
– 8 whole eggs
-1 bag of organic frozen broccoli.
a. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Celsius. Cook the broccoli by placing it inside the microwave for four minutes. Drain the excess water from the cooked broccoli.
b. Scramble the eggs with the cottage cheese
c. Place the broccoli evenly onto an evenly-greased baking pan. Place the egg mixture over and bake until the mixture is set and the edges are golden brown for approximately 40 minutes.
d. Let it set to cool and slice into 8 individual servings.
By starting the day with a high-protein breakfast, you are revving up your metabolism, thus your body has the ability to burn more fats all throughout the day. Try out these easy and tasty recipes and watch how the excess weight disappears in just a few weeks!